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The day-to-day photography musings of a mostly sane stay-at-home Momma...

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Six-month shots

My precious Alice Lyn...Happy half-birthday cutie pie!





Emilee said...

those are gorgeous! i saw a pic that would be cute, i think. maybe you have done it, but if not, here is a new idea: put the mommy and daddy's wedding rings on the big toes of the newborn...go here http://bagleyohana.blogspot.com/ and check it out. i bet you could figure out how to get an even better picture with it...

Maria Nissen said...

Your little Alice has the most beautiful blue eyes! I love the cocoon...and your husband IS a nice guy to help with those. Once he learns, maybe he would be willing to teach a midweek activity on it. :-)