Welcome to my design & photog-blog!

The day-to-day photography musings of a mostly sane stay-at-home Momma...

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Oh Boy!

Oh, baby, it's been too long since I cuddled one so brand new as you (7 days old)! And so so long since I photographed such sweetness...

Lucky for me, I have a couple new friends here in Wyoming with BRAND NEW babies and one due next month!


And thanks, Mom, for my new adorable owl hats. I {heart} them!


Carma Lee said...

Adorable picture! Glad you're getting some photo shoots up there. I'm sure there's no one with photography talent like yours!

Linds said...

Wow! I don't have her email, but I'm going to see her tomorrow so I will give her your blog address. I love how it looks like he's sort of smiling. So cute!