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The day-to-day photography musings of a mostly sane stay-at-home Momma...

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Four Months Old

I know. She looks much older with All.That.Hair.

Seriously. Love this hair. And love her momma too. :o) I was so happy to be in Utah last week at the same time as my big sis, Deb. Her littles are adorable. I took pics of the big bro too, and they'll be up soon. I also photographed my other nieces and nephew who live in the SLC area, and their pics are also scrumptious. And coming soon. Stay tuned.

This is the niece who gets the lovely sunshine print in her room-to-be.

Still, can you handle all that hair???? She came out like that. Delicious.



Oh, man. I love me some babies!


The Wyler Family said...

so fun!!! can't wait to print them!

Peaceful Mommy Kayleen said...

OMG, she's adORAble. :D And I can totally tell she's Deb's daughter.