Welcome to my design & photog-blog!

The day-to-day photography musings of a mostly sane stay-at-home Momma...

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blasted House...

We're painting our house. You know how five-day projects often turn into a-lot-more-than-five-day projects? Well, thus it has been with our house (but it's no longer blue, woot!). So, my big amazing give away...it's still going to happen. Just not this week, as planned. Unless something happens tomorrow that gives me a few minutes to myself (not super likely, but could happen).

Any New Moon-ers out there? So, I am sort of a freak and saw it Thursday night, AND tonight again. First with friends, then tonight with my man. He loved it. I loved it. I love him for loving it. Anyway, random.

The giveaway will come on Monday most likely. My day is WIDE OPEN (as of now). Well, except that I have to finish taping for the rest of the paint. That should only take a couple of hours though. Yeah, right. Famous last words.

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