My sister, Deb's husband, Dave's medical school roomie's wife is Stephanie. That's a mouthful. Deb and Stephanie have never met, but are good friends through email, blogs, common bond of medical school debt, etc. Debbie was telling me about how Stephanie & her hubby were here in Arizona--having been selected as the adoptive parents of a new little baby, but how their story was so inspiring. They have adopted one other little girl who is three now. They have been selected four times as the adoptive parents, but the birth moms have backed out last minute on two of them. It's amazing how many opportunities the birth mom has to change her mind and the roller coaster that sends the adoptive parents on. Adoption really is a miracle. It's fun to read Stephanie's blog because she is sort of an expert on adoption processes. This time she took it into her own hands and actually went through A LOT to find a birth mom on her own. The process takes so long if you put it in the hands of agencies. Well, Stephanie turned out to be a bit of a fan of Kristi Ellingson Photography, and because I was so inspired by her story, and because they happened to be in Arizona, I was thrilled to get to do some newborn photography for them.
Enjoy. Here is Miss Maggie (I know I stink at narrowing my sneak peeks down lately. Oh well. Eighteen pictures are fun to look at. Which is YOUR favorite?):
The teddy bear is significant. They bought one for the birth mom too, so they can take pictures of her throughout her life to track how much she's grown, and the birth mom can look at the pictures and really be able to visualize how big the baby is. I think that's adorable. I'm sure the birth mom will appreciate that.
A little sleepy smile for the camera...
Thank you again Mimi for letting me impose in your amazing natural light studio {AKA your living room} and for keeping my girls entertained during the shoot. Sometimes newborn shoots can be long because of feedings, diaper changes, trying to get the cutie to go to sleep, etc. So, I really appreciate Mimi's patience through it all each time. THANK YOU!!!
these are beautiful! so fun to see.
the smiling one!
Gorgeous!!! Thanks so much for doing these pics for us!!! Our birthmom is going to love them too!!!!
Oh, hard to choose. I love the smiley one, but the one with Stephanie kissing her is precious. The adoption necklace is sweet too. (You're welcome to use the room any time.)
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